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« Leadership Development for Mindful Leaders: Becoming a Mindful Leader | Main | Leadership Development for Complaining at Work: The Art of Expressing Discontent »

February 20, 2009


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Michael Carroll is one of my favorite authors on this subject. Do you know about his newsletter: Awake at Work? Jann Freed

Mindfulness Meditation will have many benefits, the most i got was positive thinking atitude.usually i think negative before geeting into a work, so maximum of the time i can't succeed in the work, i become very much depressed so one of my friend adviced me to follow mindfulnes meditation. when i got depressed i simply sit in a quite place close my eyes and meditate for 10-15 minutes and become relaxed. I got good result on practicing such technique.

I don't no the difference between Meditation and Mindfulness meditation. Is it similar or different practicies. Now i am doing Meditation in every early morning. But not having any idea about Meditation.

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