I recently led several workshops on emotional intelligence and assertive communication for some of my San Francisco Bay Area clients. One of the HR Directors asked me if I could write up some of the techniques and tools we covered in my “Emotionally Intelligent Conversations” workshop.
The following are some tips you can use for better conversations at work, particularly difficult conversations or conversations that have to deal with conflict. I often suggest these ideas when coaching clients who are having trust issues and in conflict with each other, and clients have found them to be very powerful and effective. The following are some proven ideas to hold fierce, assertive, and emotionally intelligent conversations.
“No one has to change; everyone has to have the conversation.” —David Whyte
Business is fundamentally an extended conversation. Whether you’re speaking with your boss, team members, colleagues or direct reports, conversations shape what gets done.
The quality of your conversations matters most, providing either:
• Clarity or confusion
• Collaboration or competition
• Inspiration or resistance
• Profound connection or disengaged boredom
As a leader, you must engineer conversations to foster clarity, cooperation, creativity and a connection to company values.
Too often, we let our results-driven culture provide words that render conversations stale and lifeless. We speak in terms of measurable goals, key economic indicators, cash-flow projections, action plans, and process and procedure.
We speak rapidly, using jargon, throwing out the latest buzzwords as though one or two key phrases will suffice. True conversations are replaced by quick interactions, where two people deliver words as fast as possible, and in only one direction. We’re suffering from a lack of genuine inquiry into what other people are thinking, and we lose opportunities to explore differing perspectives.
Sadly, the quality of many work conversations borders on mediocrity and/or boredom. Meaning and connection tend to be reserved for personal conversations.
Quality work conversations require:
1. Intelligence and passion
2. Personal and universal connections
3. Use of strong, authentic and emotional words
Are you working in a professional services firm or other organization where executive coaches are hired to provide career and leadership development for organizational leaders? Does your organization provide executive coaching to help leaders improve their communication skills? Leaders at all levels need to improve their emotional intelligence and social intelligence competence.
One of the most powerful questions you can ask yourself is “Do I inspire people at work by engaging them in deep powerful conversations?” Emotionally intelligent and socially intelligent organizations, provide executive coaching and career development for leaders who want to maximize their career mojo and be fully engaged at work.
Working with a seasoned executive coach and leadership consultant trained in emotional intelligence and incorporating assessments such as the Bar-On EQ-i CPI 260 and Denison Culture Survey can help you create an organizational culture where the ability to communicate and collaborate with people through having fierce conversations is a critical competency for leaders. You can become a leader who models emotional intelligence and social intelligence, and who inspires people to become fully engaged with the vision, mission and strategy of your company or law firm.
I am currently accepting new executive coaching, career coaching, and leadership consulting clients. I work with both individuals and organizations. Call 415-546-1252 or send an inquiry e-mail to [email protected].
About Dr. Maynard Brusman
Dr. Maynard Brusman is a consulting psychologist and executive coach. He is the president of Working Resources, a leadership consulting and executive coaching firm. We specialize in helping San Francisco Bay Area companies and law firms assess, select, coach, and retain emotionally intelligent leaders. Maynard is a highly sought-after speaker and workshop leader. He facilitates leadership retreats in Northern California and Costa Rica. The Society for Advancement of Consulting (SAC) awarded Dr. Maynard Brusman "Board Approved" designations in the specialties of Executive Coaching and Leadership Development.
For more information, please go to http://www.workingresources.com, write to [email protected], or call 415-546-1252.
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