Executive Coaching San Francisco
Effective coaching is a major key to improving business performance. Executive Coaching focuses on the qualities of good leadership and improved business results. It is comprised of a series of structured, one-on-one interactions between a coach and an executive, aimed at enhancing the executive's performance in two areas:
- Individual personal performance
- Individual organizational performance
The Business Case for Executive Coaching
- The research of Goleman and Boyatzis shows that the key indicator of failure for young executives is their inability to develop empathy.
- The research of the Gartner group shows that the key factor in retaining high quality employees is having a favorable relationship with their supervisor where they experience the opportunity being treated like an adult and given the chance to grow and develop.
- The research of Metrix Global shows that coaching generated improvements in retention, cost savings, productivity, work output and sales and 69% of improvements were attributed to coaching.
- From a study of 100 executives from Fortune 1000 companies conducted by the Manchester Group:
- 5.7 times the initial investment in coaching is recaptured through coaching
- 53% improvements in productivity in execs receiving coaching
- 48% improvements in quality from execs receiving coaching
What are the Benefits?
- Achieve more business and personal goals?
- Clarify causes of behavior and create a strategy for long term change
- Create the best choices and decisions possible for you and your company?
- Demonstrate more effective interpersonal communication skills
- Develop emotional intelligence competencies
- Enhance leadership capability
- Improve job performance
- Improve interaction and influence skills
- Learn skills to manage conflict and change
- Maximize control over career path
- Prevent derailment
- Realize better communication between leaders and their teams
- Resolve problems that impede job performance
- Support succession planning
- Unleash high-potential capacity
Who We Work With
We work with executives, corporate leaders, senior professionals, entrepreneurs, accountants, attorneys, and business owners in a broad range of industries to make you more valuable to yourself and your organization.
We coach you to:
- Become a leader who motivates, inspires and innovates
- Deal with difficult people and issues
- Make better informed decisions to lead your company
- Utilize your time and energy effectively
If you’re like many of our clients, you might benefit from coaching in one of these areas:
- Leadership Development
- Communication Skills
- Emotional Intelligence
- Resilience
We find that the clients who succeed the most:
- Are highly motivated to maximize their full potential
- Are open and honest with themselves and the coach
- Realize that if they want different results they need to do things differently.
- Are open to learning a better way – often tapping into their own inner resources
- Are enthusiastic about making a commitment of time, money, and following through with actions
Why Working Resources Executive Coaching?
Working Resources' executive management coaches provide confidential, independent feedback, based on individual assessment and analysis through a variety of methods. Working Resources executive coaching offers:
- Support for executives facing change and new leadership expectations
- Flexibility, involving activities that focus on priorities specific to the individual and the organization
- Solutions targeted to specific needs.
Dr. Maynard Brusman has over 20 years experience in the field of coaching. Additionally, we offer a diverse suite of coaching and development tools, including: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Step II Form Q (MBTI), Spectrum CPI-260 Coaching Report, Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation (FIRO-B), and 360 Feedback Performance Appraisal - Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI).
Strategic Executive Coaching Program
Clients perform under pressure as team members, team leaders and as individual contributors. The client works directly on his or unique challenges, which are aligned with business objectives.
- What are the organization’s key business challenges?
- What business goals need to be achieved?
- What are the business enterprise core values?
- What culture-specific leadership competencies define success
- Does the organization have a proven system to select, develop, and retain top talent?
The goals are Issue identification, clarification and resolution. The executive coach observes the daily interactive process of the participant, and provides direct face-to face consultation. The executive coach brings fresh perspectives to problems, and helps remove hidden obstacles to performance. For example, the executive coach helps the participant look at the individual personalities and styles involved in work team dynamics to devise strategies for success.
Executive coaching works on levels deeper than simple how-to techniques. The discovery and implementation of core values is one kind of organizational transformation that can subtly shift workforce attitudes from the top down. This can lead to an atmosphere of corporate enthusiasm and optimism that is ultimately reflected on the bottom line.
As today's leaders find themselves increasingly challenged, they realize that they must find ways to transcend traditional limits. The executive coach incorporates relevant examples from research, different cultures, successful sports franchises, and business best practices. These examples help to broaden the client's horizons and create a learning context that fosters creativity and innovation.
With a coach as a committed and personal partner, participants utilize improved perspective to choose where to focus attention and resources. They overcome obstacles that previously limited or frustrated them. They develop their ability to perform consistently at optimal levels focusing on improved results.
Executive coaching helps participants transform stress into optimal performance, and use the kinetic energies inherent in change as a source of strength. Continuous learning, change resiliency and enhanced performance is the response to challenge the executive coach promotes.
The Executive Coach:
- Observes client behavior in the workplace, and helps clients learn to self-observe.
- Creates a partnership with clients engaging in a dialogue of mutual influence.
- Gives respectful, candid feedback to both client and company.
- Operates with the highest standards of honesty and integrity.
Executive Coaching Process:
Executive coaching is designed for an individual's unique needs and circumstances. The process, however, usually has five major steps.
1: Contracting
Initially, a contracting meeting for the purpose of clarifying expectations takes place. Typically, the meeting may include a human resources manager, the executive coach, and the executive coaching client. The objectives of the contracting meeting include:
- Identification of desired competencies
- Agreement regarding confidentiality boundaries
- Identification of measurable outcomes
- Confirmation of good chemistry
- Clarity of roles and responsibilities
- Agreement regarding milestones and timelines
- Conceptual agreement regarding fees
A mutual understanding of the coaching process, expected results, specific issues and time frame of the coaching is developed. The Executive Coaching process typically spans a minimum of six months.
2: Comprehensive Assessment
A structured interview, data collection and relevant assessment instruments to clarify emotional intelligence competencies, leadership skills, values, interests, work styles and other key factors are utilized. Executive management coach and client engage in an in-depth dialogue of relevant issues focused on performance improvement. A 360 feedback performance appraisal informs the process.
3: Feedback and Action Planning
The first order of business is a feedback dialogue between coach and client. The focus is on relevant data from instrument assessments and 360 feedback performance appraisals. Executive management coach and client collaboratively create an Action Plan that includes strengths, developmental targets and effective strategies for change. The focus is on self- insight, motivation, problem solving, skill acquisition, and leadership development. Interventions are aligned with client's vision and the key objectives of the business The Action Plan focuses on behaviors that contribute to specific business results. Weekly coaching meetings are one to three hours.
4: Action Learning
The coach guides and reinforces the development of leadership competencies outlined in the Action Plan. Techniques include action learning, role play, and shadowing.
5: Follow-up and Sustaining Success
Approximately six months after the initial feedback session, an abridged version of the 360 feedback performance appraisal is conducted. The results of the assessment assist in evaluating the effectiveness of the coaching process. Further development of the executive is determined and aligned with business goals.
Dr. Maynard Brusman
Consulting Psychologist and Executive Coach
Tel: 415-546-1252
E-mail: [email protected].
Web: www.workingresources.com
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