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« Emotional Intelligence and Empathy - Inside the Empathic Organization | Main | Why Do Leaders Deceive Themselves? »

August 08, 2012


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E.I. is the conscious habit of ityidifenng and then labeling (naming) our emotions on a day to day basis, in effect, making you mindful of your many feelings as they arise under various circumstances; as a result of this habit a few benefits follow: 1) overwhelming emotional events will not take hold of us and our bodies as they once did 2) we develop communication skills using a language of feelings to express ourselves more effectively 3) we become more aware of other peoples feelings 4) we become aware of how our behavior affects feelings of others 5) we develop a greater sense of empathy. Here's an example of how communcating feelings works: When I was writing all this I felt really happy to be helping someone who has similar questions as I did a few months ago. hope this helped!References : Daniel Golman's book "emotional intelligence" and many other books like it

If some members do not want to picctrae leadership competencies, I would open it up to the rest of group to see if they all concurred. I would then ask them to identify the competencies that they would prefer to picctrae. If they did not know what, I would ask what are some areas in their work-life they would like to work on. Ultimately AL is about learning, so it is good to give the team a choice in the competencies they would like to develop. Some of the competencies of leadership also overlap with areas like team building, communications and innovation etc., so we should not get limited by the term leadership'.

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