Mindfulness Stress Management Survey
Stress is a very powerful force that involves awareness, attention and energy. It can be managed and empower you. If you let stress control you, the resulting distress can be harmful to your body, mind, and spirit. Daily practice of mindfulness and meditation may help you develop stress resiliency.
Think about the past month. For each of the pressures listed below, indicate how much each has been a problem for you.
Score each item according to how much of the time each statement applies to you.
The Scale: 1(always), 2(often), 3(sometimes), 4(rarely), 5(never)
____ 1. I eat well-balanced, nutritious meals each day.
____ 2. I enjoy my work.
____ 3. I organize and manage my time effectively.
____ 4. I like myself.
____ 5. I exercise on a regular basis.
____ 6. I am the appropriate weight for my height and body-type.
____ 7. I have two or less alcoholic drinks per day.
____ 8. I abstain from smoking cigarettes.
____ 9. I drink fewer than three cups of coffee (or tea or cola drinks) a day.
____ 10. I get sufficient sleep and wake up each morning feeling refreshed and relaxed.
____11. I am flexible and am able to maintain a healthy balance between work and family.
____ 12. I have an adequate income.
____ 13. I have a support system of friends, family, and/or other love interests.
____ 14. I feel in control, take on new challenges and seek solutions to problems.
____ 15. I am able to speak openly about my feelings when angry or worried.
____ 16. I am able to say "No" without feeling guilty.
____ 17 I am free of physical symptoms such as headaches, back pain, or teeth grinding.
____ 18 I am free of emotional symptoms such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, or fear.
____ 19 I feel that my life has meaning and purpose.
____ 20. I am compassionate, able to relax, and see the humorous side of life.
____TOTAL SCORE Add up the points for your total score on the survey.
Total Points:
You are doing a great job managing your stress. Congratulations! Coaching may help you achieve even higher levels of performance.
You are managing stress to a considerable extent. There is still room for improvement. You will benefit from taking a Transforming Stress into Optimal Performance workshop. Consider coaching to help you further develop your skills and learn new strategies.
51-100 RED ALERT!
Things may be spinning out of control. You need to change certain behaviors and learn new skills. Don’t walk…RUN to a Transforming Stress into Optimal Performance workshop. Strongly consider coaching.
Hopefully, this brief self-assessment survey provided you with some self- insight into how you are (or are not) managing your stress. The survey is not validated, but comes from my over thirty years of experience consulting and coaching with clients.
Copyright 2014 © Dr. Maynard Brusman.
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