If you're having difficulty sleeping you might experiment with a few helpful sleep strategies.
1. Develop a regular sleep time -- even on weekends. Get up about the same time seven days a week.
Going to bed at the same time is less critical.
2. Set up pre - sleep rituals. Assume a specific sleep posture. Indulge in a pleasant fantasy.
3. Effective sleep management requires keeping a daily sleep log. Documenting sleep habits often shows
areas for improvement.
4. Sleep on a comfortable bed. Condition yourself into using your bed for sleep (sex is OK, too). Eating
cookies and watching television should be done somewhere else. Keep arguments with your spouse outof the bedroom.
5. Set aside worry or planning time earlier in the day so you don't take your worries to bed.
6. Whether to nap is controversial. Experiment as your own sleep therapist. A 20 minute break during the
day may renew your energy, break patterns of stress and tension and increase feelings of well- being.
7. Exercise regularly -- preferably not two or three hours before bedtime. A healthy cardiovascular system
calms the body and mind.
8. Cut down on stimulants such as coffee, tea, colas and chocolate. Drink only in moderation
9. Don't go to bed stuffed or starved.
10. Practice stress management and relaxation techniques regularly.
Getting a good night's sleep in our sleep-deprived world will go a long way to increase your happiness and performance at work.
Copyright 2014 © Dr. Maynard Brusman.
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