Succession planning is critical in preparing for the transition of Baby Boomers to retirement. Perhaps you’ve noticed the term ‘brain drain’ more and more in the popular media. This term is being used to describe the anticipated loss of skilled talent from our workforce as members of the baby boom generation begin to retire. The younger Gen X and Gen Y (New Millennials) are growing impatient to ascend to leadership responsibilities.
Boomers, born from 1946 to 1965 grew up in affluence: Economic progress was assumed, freeing them to focus on idealism and personal growth. Sitting at home through a 20-or 30-year retirement is no longer an option for an increasing number of Baby Boomers. Some are looking to do something else because they have to for financial reasons. Many Boomers are reimaging their work lives and embarking on entirely different careers after retirement.
- Baby Boomers are finding second or ‘encore’ careers as an option
- And many are becoming entrepreneurs or working at non-profit agencies
Boomers are expected to live longer than any previous generation, and many hope to continue working in a desire to feel alive and engaged contributing to our growing economy.
You can retire more happily by working with a professional coach. The investment is well worth the reward: your ability to influence the future, your career and your personal-development capabilities.
Are you working in a company where executive coaches provide leadership development to help leaders put positive leadership into action? Does your organization provide executive coaching for leaders who need to be more positive? Positive leaders tap into their emotional intelligence and social intelligence skills to create a more fulfilling future.
One of the most powerful questions you can ask yourself is “Am I reimagining the next phase of my life” Emotionally intelligent and socially intelligent organizations provide executive coaching to help leaders reinvent themselves and create a new future.
Working with a seasoned executive coach and leadership consultant trained in emotional intelligence and incorporating assessments such as the Bar-On EQ-I, CPI 260 and Denison Culture Survey can help leaders nurture positivity in the workplace. You can become a positive leader who models emotional intelligence and social intelligence, and who inspires people to become fully engaged with the vision, mission and strategy of your company or law firm.
Working Resources is a San Francisco Bay Area Executive Coaching Firm Helping Innovative Companies and Law Firms Assess, Select, Coach, Engage and Retain Emotionally Intelligent Leaders; Executive Coaching; Leadership Development; Performance-Based Interviewing; Competency Modeling; Succession Management; Culture Change; Career Coaching and Leadership Retreats
...About Dr. Maynard Brusman
Dr. Maynard Brusman
Consulting Psychologist and Executive Coach
Trusted Advisor to Senior Leadership Teams
Dr. Maynard Brusman is a consulting psychologist, executive coach and workplace expert specializing in emotional intelligence and mindfulness-based leadership development.
He is the president of Working Resources, a leadership consulting and executive coaching firm. We specialize in helping San Francisco Bay Area companies select and develop emotionally intelligent leaders. Maynard is a highly sought-after speaker and workshop leader. He facilitates leadership retreats in Northern California and Costa Rica. The Society for Advancement of Consulting (SAC) awarded Dr. Maynard Brusman "Board Approved" designations in the specialties of Executive Coaching and Leadership Development.
“Maynard Brusman is one of the foremost coaches in the United States. He utilizes a wide variety of assessments in his work with senior executives and upper level managers, and is adept at helping his clients both develop higher levels of emotional intelligence and achieve breakthrough business results. As a senior leader in the executive coaching field, Dr. Brusman brings an exceptional level of wisdom, energy, and creativity to his work.” — Jeffrey E. Auerbach, Ph.D., President, College of Executive Coaching
For more information, please go to, write to [email protected], or call 415-546-1252.
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